Tag Archives: Warner Bros

Harry Potter will forever live on in my heart, and I can die happy having visited the place where the magic was created

Today was one of the greatest nerd days in my life: I visited the Warner Bros Studio Tour London to experience the making of Harry Potter. Although the actual cast wasn’t there, the sets, costumes, props, and scenery, everything that made the Harry Potter movies come to life, were all right there at my fingertips. It was a Harry Potter geek’s dream come true. I imagine it’s how some must feel when they go to Disney World, only better because it’s quite literally magical there.

I certainly wouldn’t recommend the tour that got us there, Golden Tours; I expected to take the 1 1/2 hour journey on a coach bus, but was instead shuffled into a double decker bus. I get motion sick easily, so this was a bit concerning (though luckily I didn’t feel ready to barf my face off until after the tour was over and we were almost home). I was also promised a screening of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Philospher’s stone if you want to be all British and snobby about it), but alas, their system was apparently broken and they couldn’t show the movie. So we had to sit in silence the whole journey there and back.

But honestly, the minute we turned the corner and through the entrance marked ‘Warner Bros Studio Tour London,’ I forgot all about the empty promises made by the company responsible for getting me there.

Once inside, it truly was any fan’s dream come true. There was so much to take in, so many sights to dazzle the eyes and make you feel like you just stepped onto the set of your favorite movie. Because you quite literally do.

You get to wander through the Great Hall and marvel at how the wood and plaster come together perfectly to create a facade that so perfectly resembles hard, heavy stone.


You get to peer inside the sets that make up the Gryffindor common room and boys’ dormitory, including all the the quiet spots where Harry, Ron and Hermione would meet and discuss You-Know-Who without fear of being overheard by untrustworthy Slytherins.


You get a peek inside Dumbledore’s office, with all of his unique instruments like the telescope and pensieve. You can get up close to the potions classroom, where Hermione learned the tools she needed to perfect the complicated Polyjuice potion. And The Burrow is on display, giving you a taste into the lives of the Weasley family.

You get to take a walk through the Forbidden Forest, and clamber through the Hogwarts Express. You get a peek inside the Knight Bus and 4 Privet Drive. You get time to leisurely stroll through Diagon Alley (my personal fave) and gaze into all the shop windows, spying little trinkets that make each of the shops so unique.


And don’t forget the other elements needed to make the movies what they are. Among all the sets you’ll find costumes and props, as well as small 3-D models (not to mention the larger and insanely impressive model of Hogwarts castle). You’ll learn about all the special effects needed to make all the props and sets come to life. You’ll even learn more about all the creatures that made their cameos throughout all 8 movies.

When you arrive at the studios, you’ll feel like 3 hours is more than enough time to complete a tour. But when that time is surprisingly up, you’ll wish you had 3 hours more to stay and continue immersing yourself in the magic that is the wizarding world of Harry Potter. For any fan of the movies, it’s a must-see when staying in or around London. I truly feel like I’ve died and gone to Harry Potter heaven, and I’m not sure much else can top this. Ever.
